Sinopec KantonsHoldings Limitedwon the“Award of Excellence in Corporate Governance” and the “Honourable Mention for Excellencein ESG” under the Hang Seng Composite Index Constituent Companies category inthe Hong Kong Corporate Governance & ESG Excellence Awards 2023. SinopecKantons is the only award-winning oil and petrochemical company in thiscompetition.
The Hong KongCorporate Governance & ESG Excellence Awards were jointly initiated andheld by the Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies (CHKLC) and the Centre forCorporate Governance and Financial Policy, Hong Kong Baptist University(CCGFP). As one of the most prestigious ESG awards in Hong Kong, they have beenconferred annually since 2007 and are designed to encourage improvement incorporate governance and ESG of listed companies in Hong Kong. They providerecognition and prestige for listed companies in achieving outstandingcommitment to shareholder rights, compliance, integrity, fairness,responsibility, accountability, transparency, board independence &leadership, and ESG.
The Judging Panel stated:In terms of corporate governance, Sinopec Kantons has put in place a comprehensivegovernance structure. The Company has continuously enhanced its corporategovernance framework to increase the transparency. Meanwhile, it attaches greatimportance to transparent communication with shareholders and investors, and hasestablished effective channels to communicate with stakeholders. The Companyadopts the "Enterprise Risk Management" framework in risk managementto regularly track and monitor multi-angle operational risks. As for ESG work,Sinopec Kantons, being a large petrochemical storage and logistics company, hasestablished a comprehensive health, safety, public safety and environmentalsystem. The Company emphasizes the importance of marine biodiversitymanagement, reflecting its commitment to marine life protection andenvironmental safety. Its various ESG initiatives put it in a better positionto match the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Sinopec KantonsWon the “Award of Excellence in Corporate Governance” and the “HonourableMention for Excellence in ESG”.